Ideating for my Digital Artefact


Thinking of my idea

When thinking about what I wanted to first do for my digital artefact the first thing that I thought of was both animal rights and makeup. These are two very different things but if changed to cruelty free/ vegan makeup it gave me inspiration. This concept gave me some edge to my digital artefact instead of just doing a plain makeup account. Animal rights is something that I have always been passionate about as I have been vegetarian for about 3 years now and have always been doing my own personal research about what goes on behind closed doors at cosmetic centres. On the other hand, makeup has always been a way for me to express myself. I have always loved trying out new products and also ways to do my makeup in new and creative ways.

The format

At first, I thought that a blog would have been the best way to post my ideas and thoughts but after thinking about it I realised that most of the beauty community is on Instagram as people are always posting their looks and reviews on products, so I decided to make an Instagram page. Instagram is a great place to post about my concept as at fits the #FIST concept, as its fast, inexpensive, simple and tiny.


Fast: My project is fast as posting a photo of a makeup looks is quite easy and simple, and doing my makeup isn’t something I have to take time out of my day as I do my makeup most days anyway.

Inexpensive: Even though buying makeup can get vey pricey it’s also something that I do on a regular basis as I’m always buying new products for me personally.

Simple: To post on Instagram it is very straight forward, and I have been also using it for around 6 years now, so I know the ins and outs of the app.

Tiny: Like I mentioned before the account is very tiny as it’s an Instagram account, but I am saying that I hope to make a large impacted

Creating RoseJade Artistry

When starting the Instagram, me and my partner were very nervous as it quite difficult to start a brand-new account and start to gain follows, but when first posting our logo to the page we got immediate reaction and started to gain follows, but not a lot. But people were very supportive of the first look I posted getting a few comments and quite a few likes for a beginner page. #FEFO meaning fail early, fail often, will allow me to learn from any problems that arise and not get stopped or disheartened by any anything negative that happens while doing my project. Failing early will allow me to point out the problem in the beginning of the process so that I know how to fix them now and not have to worry about them in the future. Failing often will also allow me to realise that problems that arise are there to learn from and will let me move forward quickly and not dwell on insignificant problems that can be fixed quickly.

The audience

The audience that I will be posting for, are creative people and at the same time will be attracting people who support cruelty free and vegan makeup. The makeup community is such a large space on the internet filled with so many different types of individuals that my audience won’t be narrowed towards a certain group of people. People use makeup in many different ways that and for many different reasons and my account will be there to either inspire or recommend any products that they may be interested in.


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